Monday, March 31, 2008

They all came back like we knew they would

[gotta get your fix down in Hollywood]

My Hollywood reunion trip this weekend was a blast. Between $5 wine, unexpected walls, backalogers, frontalogers, Ruiess, Lady Cigarettes, Sizzlers, Strangers, showcases, buses, trains, 5 mile walks, pizza on the sidewalk, the "9 inch Club" and the most glorious trifecta destiny ever created....this weekend was no where near disappointing.

Unfortunately I did not document my adventures very well in photo form. Something that was immediately regretted.

The only moment that got documented at all was when Amber became the Canadian Logger named Ruiess (pronounced Roo-ee-s).
But it was a pretty darn good moment :)

Don't worry though, next time we have already decided to try harder.

I forgot how much I missed Hollywood. I guess it's cause I never really did before.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The internet is boring today and I'm not sarcastic at all.

I hope that doesn't reflect how the rest of the day will be. Not that I'm all into symbolism or anything, but sometimes that's how it seems to me. Ok, I don't want it to sound like I check the internet every morning to see what kind of day I'm going to have.....cause I don't.
I look at the internet every morning to keep from doing the boring things that I know I will eventually have to do anyway beore 4:30 rolls around.

I had to take out my lip stud for work today. Apparently a big clear ball, that doesnt even look clear at all, is more conservative looking than a tiny (and might I add pretty) diamond. Cause, you know, if some big donor sees me with a little diamond stud in my lip they may get offended and not want to donate $ to the animals anymore. I totally understand that logic. I will probably do a better job without my lip stud as well. I won't spend hours on the inter-web wandering aimlessly for something more amusing than entering information into a database. Yes, without the lip stud I will be more focused, and motivated, and less likely to talk to my co-workers about un-work-related things. I will probably finish my tasks twice as fast, and think of new and innovative ways to help my company. Without any facial piercings I will be able to become employee of the month probably! You know what that means: reserved parking space in the back of the building! That's right....VIP treatment baby. I'm so glad someone complained to my manager about my piercing so that I could present myself in an unoffensive manner to the public, and therefore bring in more $ to help the animals, save lives, and concentrate harder on my work. I'm just thrilled that by me removing a tiny little diamond from my lower lip, more animals will have homes tonight.

Oh wait, what? I'm on the internet right now?! My lip stud is out and I'm still procrastinating? Wait, all the donors are still giving the same amount of $, and the same exact amount of work is getting done? The clear stud now residing in my lip didn't help more puppies get adopted?

How very odd.

I'm really shocked that the removal of facial piercings didn't improve the quality of work.

Really. I am.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Please stop speaking

So I don't have to listen to you talk

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Grande iced coffe with sugar free caramel

Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be able to be happy at any job that isn't Magnolia.

I mean, almost every job I start I am really excited about. It's always related to a "passion" of mine, and I think that maybe it will satisfy me for a longer period of time than the last job I had.

Everytime, I am wrong.

le sigh.

I suppose it's just a waiting game then. Wait for the weekends to finally be free, wait for the vacations to have things to be excited about, wait until 4:30 everyday when you can look how you want and not have to worry about talking to your friends. Wait until the day you can work for yourself, and do what you truly are passionate about. Wait, wait, wait. (Hey, that's a song by The Format!)

I got really addicted to Starbucks again. Ever since Coffee Bean decided to discontinue the Pecan flavor they had, Starbizzle won me back. Grande iced coffe with sugar free caramel and room for cream pleeeeeeease. It's ok too, cause it only has 12 calories. Sometimes, life is good, sip by sip.

(Picture circa 2006, Christmastime in Chicago....aka kinda old haha)

The Hills came back on last night. I don't care what anyone says, I love that show. If it's scripted, I love the writers, if they are all faking it, I love fakers. Nothing is better than sitting in your friends' living room and rooting for the rich people to mess up again. Cause you know they will. Scripted or not, when Lauren ruins her ball gown an hour before the debutaunt ball in Paris, it's bothing but entertainment. They just dangle The Happy in front of her, and then snap it back. Like clockwork. Dangle....and snap! Dangle.......and...snap! And it always ends with Lauren's disappointed (yet again) face. Brilliant.

If anyone happens to read this, I'm sorry it's not a very entertaining post. Just getting some thoughts out of my head.
If no one reads this then poo on you. (Sometimes I'm 12) Give it time, eventually I'll do something to make you describle. If even just a little.

P.S. I cannot get enough of this amazingly easy "add a picture to your blog" feature on blogspot. It's like an internet miracle or something!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

I can hear your voice all day

But I can never do anything about it.

cavities and clown feet

I'm craving chocolate today.
This is alarming because I don't like candy at all, least of all chocolate.
I would even go as far as saying I hate chocolate.
So I'm not quite sure what that's about.

I have to get 2 cavities filled on April 3rd.
Let me just say, I'm scared to death.
I'm not afraid of the dentist at all, and when I was in highschool I did the whole braces thing. I even had to get 6 teeth pulled. So I've been through the dentist adventure. My mouth has been pulled at, had metal forced on and then metal forcibly ripped off, rubber bands, stretchers, spacers, retainers, pokes, prodes, the works.
But when I have to get a cavity filled...forget it. I'm a freaking mess.
Maybe it's the drilling that's the trick.
Maybe it's subconscious.
That's just dumb if it is though. Cause then I don't have very much control over it because your subconscious doesn't listen very well.

And here's the question...I hate candy so why do I have 2 cavities?

Oh cruel, cruel world. The irony. The horror.

Also, if I were Asian, apparently I would have clown feet.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Announcing the DSSA!

No one will probably ever read it haha


Describle is a word I made up today as I was trying to write "describe" to my manager in an email.

Well, maybe I didn't make it up, but I definitely have never seen it before so when the automatic spell check popped up on my email and showed me it wanted to correct "describle" it made me silenlty giggle at myself. I feel like it would either be the name of a DJ, or even a synonymn for giggle (ie: " made me silently describle at myself").

I like it.

Post Script: I am really annoyed today at nothing, which in turn is making me annoyed at everything. Which also annoys me. Le ugh.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Diplozoon paradoxum

A type of worm.
The males and females meet in adolescence and become life partners by fusing themselves together.

Apart from how gross that is, it is also extraordinary that these worms are virtually the only species ever known to be completely monogomous throughout their whole relationship.

Who knew that female worms would be the first to figure out that you had to physically attach yourself in order to get the men to behave? haha

Anyway....thought of the day:
A worm can get herself a man for life during adolescence.
I'm 21 years old and I can't get a freaking boy to stick around for more than 7 months.

I'm crediting it to the fact that I never want to be fused to anyone, ever, and also my needs, wants, and deservances (its a word, shut up) are greater than a worm's.

Monday, March 17, 2008


Just not all that into it today.


Friday, March 14, 2008

i fell for the first time falling for you

the question that I have my balance in check...

how close to the edge will I get?

just enough until it stops being fun I guess.

Just enough.

P.S. I would sail with Seth Cohen pretty much anywhere.

give my a blankie, im taking a nap

Keeping up with friendships is tiring business isn't it?

I mean, I have friends that live 5 minutes away, and friends that live 5 states away, and sometimes it makes no difference.

I know that's what makes the relationships so valuable....the work. And it's not like it's "bad" work. It's just work. Cause human beings take work.

Honestly, sometimes I don't know how anyone stays my friend.
And more honestly, sometimes I feel like everyone in the world should want to be my friend.

I guess it's just nice to recognize when you have people, well friends, in your life that will love you even if you call in sick one day, instead of working. And it's nice to return the favor.

No one will read this, but boy to I love my friends. No matter how near or how far. :)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Rarely practice discern

First and foremost, it's becoming quite clear I can write whatever I want here and nobody will ever read it. That's fine, it's the internet, and I don't have a fan base (for some odd reason hehe), but now it seems as if I will just be typing to myself, rather than the regular occurances of talking to myself. And on occasion dancing with myself, naturally.

Anyway, it doesn't matter. It all comes down to the simple fact that I like the layout of this blog, and I refuse to not use it.

*Sidenote- you know the world has changed when people's decisions are based on whether or not they like the layout of a blog.

I wrote someone not too long ago that I had changed about 10,000 times since they last spoke to or saw me. It didn't hit me until I wrote it out, exactly how true that statement was. Not that I really have 10,000 features wrapped up in me, but the point was made.
On a scale of Changed to Not-So-Changed, I am definitely at Changed About 10,000 Times More Than You'd Expect.
Not really in my beliefs or morals though, so much as in my attitude towards living out those beliefs, and how I strive towards what I really want in life.
It's amazing how many times other people have to make you think you have failed before you realize that you probably can do anything you really want to.

I just thought that was interesting. The fact that I had indeed changed a lot more than I had realized in the last year. Maybe because it was just a little bit at a time. It seemed like one big Extreme Car Makeover to me though. Which is still in effect right now. The finishing touches are abound, if you will. It's not quite time to say "move that bus", but we are nearing the last stages.

I don't think I have bad judgement as the title of this blog hints at. But I do think I am more lenient in my life choices, and more risk taking. I feel like I'm actually living life now. Not to be all "life is meant to be lived, dont hold back, you only get one shot" or anything. But seriously, LIVE.

I guess all I can say is there was a point in my life where I thought I was the happiest I could ever be. Ever. And I actually was the happiest I had ever been. And it was pretty safe, and the rest of my life was shaping up to be pretty safe. It would have been full of happiness, but also really safe. Then all of it got "taken" away from me. (I say "taken" merely because it was not my decision to leave that life) And through the amazing adventure I went on after that time, I finally came out of it, almost 3 years later, actually truly happy. Back where I began (California here we come, right back where we started from...) and more happy than I ever was when I thought my happiness had peaked. I am not afraid of letting people who hurt me out of my life. I no longer fear new things, or new adventures. I make new decisions, and I know what it means to be brave, and I actually feel brave sometimes. I live and laugh and love, and I got my Disneyland pass back (I have weird priorities). Besides some small trust issues with the opposite gender (which, for all intents and purposes I am staying away from for my own sanity) I am the happiest I have ever been. But this time I know I have not peaked. Not even close. Even in this year alone I know there is so much more to do and see and be and GET. And if being a little discerning is what it takes, then please, join me in my new practice.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

call me a doctor.

Sometimes I just wish I could make everyone laugh, all the time.

But I cannot be funny on command.

I just pray for enough strength to keep people happy. That's the only real gift I have for them.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

life is sweet

It's just all the crappy people that make it so damn annoying sometimes.

Seriously, don't work like clockwork once in a while. If I can predict what you are going to do 7 days before you actually do it, you suck.
I put on an effing dress. I told myself not to get excited despite of putting on the dress, and I got up this morning with a knot in my stomache. Half due to excitemet, and half to nervousness that I was going to be right.
I shouldn't have to do that. I shouldn't have to bottle my excitement or not be proud of my dress wearing, or have a knot that can't decide if it's good or bad.
But crappy people....crappy people don't know how to not act in ways that make happy people erupt in these feelings.

And the worst part?
Oh, well the worst part is that, despite the few minutes of happiness these crappy people take out of my life, I have so much faith in people I care about, I will give them another chance. Because faith has made my life as wonderful as it is today, and how can I turn my back on my foundation?
For once in my life, all I pray for is to be completely and utterly WRONG.