Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Grande iced coffe with sugar free caramel

Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be able to be happy at any job that isn't Magnolia.

I mean, almost every job I start I am really excited about. It's always related to a "passion" of mine, and I think that maybe it will satisfy me for a longer period of time than the last job I had.

Everytime, I am wrong.

le sigh.

I suppose it's just a waiting game then. Wait for the weekends to finally be free, wait for the vacations to have things to be excited about, wait until 4:30 everyday when you can look how you want and not have to worry about talking to your friends. Wait until the day you can work for yourself, and do what you truly are passionate about. Wait, wait, wait. (Hey, that's a song by The Format!)

I got really addicted to Starbucks again. Ever since Coffee Bean decided to discontinue the Pecan flavor they had, Starbizzle won me back. Grande iced coffe with sugar free caramel and room for cream pleeeeeeease. It's ok too, cause it only has 12 calories. Sometimes, life is good, sip by sip.

(Picture circa 2006, Christmastime in Chicago....aka kinda old haha)

The Hills came back on last night. I don't care what anyone says, I love that show. If it's scripted, I love the writers, if they are all faking it, I love fakers. Nothing is better than sitting in your friends' living room and rooting for the rich people to mess up again. Cause you know they will. Scripted or not, when Lauren ruins her ball gown an hour before the debutaunt ball in Paris, it's bothing but entertainment. They just dangle The Happy in front of her, and then snap it back. Like clockwork. Dangle....and snap! Dangle.......and...snap! And it always ends with Lauren's disappointed (yet again) face. Brilliant.

If anyone happens to read this, I'm sorry it's not a very entertaining post. Just getting some thoughts out of my head.
If no one reads this then poo on you. (Sometimes I'm 12) Give it time, eventually I'll do something to make you describle. If even just a little.

P.S. I cannot get enough of this amazingly easy "add a picture to your blog" feature on blogspot. It's like an internet miracle or something!