Thursday, April 17, 2008

As long as there are animal crackers I'm cool with the end of the world.

Yesterday there was this story about how some 10 year old wonder boy figured out that an asteroid was going to hit earth in 2039 [or 2029 depending on what news story you read]. It was said that it's impact would cause tidal waves that would wipe out every coast, and a huge "dust" cloud that would darken the entire planet's sky.
Pretty intense stuff.
So naturally I freaked out a little and starting comparing real life to Armageddon [not the event, the movie] and I figure the key elements of Armageddon were the unstoppable team of Bruce Willis & Ben Afflec, Aerosmith songs, and animal crackers.
Not bad for the end of the world I suppose. Except I would want to trade out Bruce & Ben for Geroge Clooney and John Krazinski. That way the end of the world would also be hott and funny. And Leatherheads I guess. Hmm...didn't realize I did that.

But it turns out the whole story isn't true and NASA assures us that the asteroid is never going to get close enough to earth to hit it. So there goes my perfect [world] ending. Thanks NASA.

I get free lunch at work today. I'm pretty stoked on that since it will be a break from the usual free spirit-breakings that they give me.


girl_renegado said...

george clooney is funny. today is friday so hangout sesh! think about what you wanna do, and i will too.

how much is it to do that jenny craig thing? that sounds like itd be a good idea since they provide the food too [once you pay for it].

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